Home » Stay Insured for Winter Preparedness
December 28, 2023
Lyceum Insurance Services

Stay Insured for Winter Preparedness

While cold weather mainly has associations with health problems, there are some well-being benefits in these frigid winter months.

Maryland Primary Care Physicians highlights some of these benefits, such as reduced inflammation, fewer allergies, improved brain function, better emotional health, and more. 

Even though there are these benefits, it is still important to invest in insurance, especially for these winter months. Due to the seasonality of illnesses, there is a greater risk for some throughout the colder months. Do you feel your skin cracking and tightening? It is that dreadful dry air. In the winter dry air is great for viruses, but not great for staying healthy. In addition, many illnesses can arise in colder weather.

Along with this heavier prevalence of disease, the shortened days throughout the winter season cause a decrease in showing symptoms of illness or infection. Therefore, there may be times where you are ill and contagious without even knowing it. When insured, the ability for regular checkups, emergency visits, and any other medical attention is readily available. 

In the colder weather, where there is a higher chance of getting illnesses like the common cold, the flu, and now COVID-19, the necessity for preparedness is key. Many carriers offer preventive care, such as affordable flu shots, and reduced cost medicines. Give us a call to see which carriers would be best for winter wellness preparedness. 

Health insurance, especially in the winter months is an invaluable asset, protecting you no matter the situation that arises. Keeping up with your insurance coverage is important for you and for those you love. Contact us at [email protected] or visit our website www.lyceumins.com for more information on how to get started on your plan, or find out more information on your current coverage. 

Categories: Wellness